At first, Zsuzsi’s love affair started only as an innocent hobby. Don’t get me wrong, I am staying with the topic of happiness and this will not be a gossipy article. I actually referred to Zsuzsi’s motto, which she proudly borrows from Burk Uzzle.
"Photography is a love affair with life.”
By now, Zsuzsi’s hobby, her passion grew into a profession. She put years of practice into her avocation, beyond completing a formal photography course in Essen in 2014, she has been participating in several workshops to learn from others. The real improvement, however, came from a thousand hours of practice. How exactly?
Zsuzsi practically never goes anywhere without her camera, she loves to capture special moments during sport activities, catching the wonderful lights in nature or creating nice memories when taking portraits of people.
After years of hobby- photographing friends and family members, she started to offer her services for clients as well. Good news: after one year of learning the market, she already opened her studio in Hattingen, the lovely small town, next to Essen. Only one step to take and Zsuzsi officially became a professional photographer- as of September she has dedicated her full focus to photography, to her passion.
I had the luck to work together with Zsuzsi several times and it was always a real fun. She creates such a relaxed atmosphere during the photo-shooting that is a good basis to catch the right moments. A picture can tell a thousand stories…what do Zsuzsi's pictures tell you?
In case you are curious to learn more about Zsuzsi’s work, to see the acknowledgements and prizes she won with previous jobs, visit her homepage or follow her on Instagram.
Click through the gallery for some impressions from our latest photo shooting in Hattingen.